“蚕”字的部首是虫,而十二生肖中带有“虫”字部首的只有蛇、马和羊。但“蚕”与“蛇”、“马”、“羊”都有区别,所以,答案是羊。 羊 拼音:yáng 部外笔画:8,总笔画:10 繁体字:羊 异体字:昜 汉字首尾分解:示昜 汉字部件分解:示昜 笔顺编号:3544251134 笔顺读写:撇捺折捺竖横折横横撇捺 五笔输入法:SUQN (八极拳) 仓颉输入法:LKMS(新编码) 郑码输入法:ZSOR Unicode:U+7FAD GBK:A0E6
● 羊(Yang) 拼音: yáng 繁体: 羊 五笔: SUQN 仓颉: LKMS 郑码: ZSOR 笔画数: 10 部首: 羊 笔顺编号: 3544251135 四角号码: 80217 Unicode: U+7FAD 字意五行: 土,阳
英文解释 Sheep
简体中文翻译 English sheep [ʃiːp]
① a domestic animal with thick wool or hair, belonging to the genus Ovis.The two chief species are the common or European sheep and the Argentine sheep; other important species include the Himalayan/Nepalese sheep and the Mongolian/Chinese sheep.There are several hundred breeds of sheep worldwide.
② any of various other animals that resemble sheep in appearance or habits, e.g. the mouflon(Ovis gmelini), a wild sheep native to Armenia and Turkey.
③ an edible flesh obtained from this animal; lamb. ['læmb]
④ a long shaggy coat worn by some breeds of sheep as protection against cold, rain, etc.[ˈzɑŋkəs]
⑤ the edible meat of this animal, eaten especially in countries where sheep are raised for their fleece.['fliːs]
⑥ wool[wʊl]
⑦ a large quantity of wool。a bale of wool。
⑧ the female reproductive system of the sheep; mammary glands。
⑨ any one of a number of diseases affecting sheep, esp those caused by viruses。
⑩ Sheepskin (毛)羊皮;绵羊皮皮衣。
⑾ shepherd ['ʃɪpdɚ] n.牧人;牧羊人。
常用词组 双语例句 The flocks were kept separate, with each type of sheep kept on its own ground. 放牧时,各类羊分别归牧人照顾。 In order to keep the different types of sheep separated, they had to be driven along particular tracks. 为了使不同种类的绵羊分开,它们必须沿着特定的路线赶着走。 We have about fifteen sheep which we use to experiment with new breeds and cross-breeding. 我们大概有十五只绵羊,我们用它们来做新品种试验和杂交。 It is believed that at least three distinct domestications of sheep occurred, with the earliest occurring between ten thousand and five thousand years ago. 人们相信至少三次不同的驯服绵羊的过程发生了,最早的一次发生在一万年和五千年以前。 The word 'sheep' has a number of derivatives, most of which relate to its uses